Every 21 seconds a person is diagnosed with diabetes
Diabetes is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States
Diabetes can lead to serious complications including cardiovascular disease
(heart problems), amputations, blindness and kidney failure
Certain ethnic groups are at higher risk for diabetes including African
Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders or Latinos
You can manage diabetes!
Montgomery County Recreation now offers two courses on
diabetes for a nominal fee to help educate our community about diabetes and
help those with diabetes learn to manage their disease before it leads to
serious complications.
Basic Must Knows
about Diabetes
1 session, $10 at Gwendolyn Coffield Community Center
1 session, $10 at Gwendolyn Coffield Community Center
This course covers planning healthy balanced meals for
better carbohydrate counting, reading food labels, and how physical activity
can affect blood sugar. We will also touch on diabetes medications, what they
are and how they work, as well as blood glucose monitoring and what all that
testing is about. Family members are welcome to attend.
4/11 from 6:30 – 9:30 pm, #354427
4/16 from 6:30 – 9:30 pm, #354428
Diabetes Self
Management Education
3 sessions, $30 at
Gwendolyn Coffield Community Center
This series of classes covers the basics of carbohydrate
counting, food label reading, and diabetes medications. It will also cover
blood glucose testing, what to do about the numbers, and how to prevent
diabetes complications. There are hands-on activities and time to practice
skills as well. Light meals are included and family members are encouraged to
3 sessions starting 4/30 from 6:30 – 9:30pm, #354431