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Fitness Success Story: Beverly Blooms in her 50s with Zumba

According to the American Heart Association, “80% of Americans don’t make exercise a regular habit.” It’s never too late to start a fitness program. Beverly Simon was in her 50s and had serious health issues before she jumped on the fitness train.

According to Beverly, “I never did any exercise before. I found myself with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and I couldn’t even walk very well. I decided to sign up for some kind of fitness class and after browsing the recreation classes online I saw Zumba with Zukossa Fitness and it sounded fun and different from other classes. It was also very convenient to where I lived.”

For many people, after a lifetime of not exercising regularly, the idea of joining a class can be intimidating. This is why Montgomery County Recreation offers such a wide variety of classes and programs. There really is something for everyone: something that will help you get moving, and feel better about yourself.

Just Keep Moving

As Beverly explains, the key is to just keep going back, and keep moving.

“I almost quit after the first class. I couldn’t move like the other people and I was frustrated. I got home and I could barely walk up the steps. I went to the second class, instructor Janice said don’t worry about the routine, just move. I believe I created my own steps! I know I wasn’t keeping up with the class but I kept moving to the music and I was sweating.”

Beverly admits that the whole first session was a struggle for her. However, she started to see results. It was just the boost she needed to keep going. Soon after the first session Beverly started to watch what she was eating and joined a gym to visit on the days she didn’t have Zumba.

The Result?
 Beverly has seen incredible physical changes including lowering her cholesterol, lowering her blood pressure, and dropping five clothing sizes! More importantly, Beverly has experienced incredible emotional changes. She confides, “My self esteem has improved. I feel more confident and emotionally, my whole outlook on life has improved. I look forward to getting up everyday!”

Tips for finding the right exercise program

First, check with your doctor to see if he or she has any recommendations including low-impact. Then, think about what you like to do. Do you like dancing? Do you enjoy the water? Do you like to work out with a group or are you more comfortable on your own? Lastly, browse the current guide online to see what course sounds appealing to you based on your doctor’s recommendations and your interests. It’s easy to register online. You can do it and we are rooting for you.