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Five Reasons to Sign Up for Lifeguard Training

Image via tzankov on sxc

Training to be a lifeguard will prepare you for a job that is not only valuable, it’s fun! Though job security is only one reason to train to be a lifeguard, here are five reasons to take one of our Lifeguard Training courses that are 9 sessions for only $195.

1. Be Certified to Save a Life – When you graduate this course you’ll receive certification in American Red Cross Lifeguarding, First Aid, and CPR/AED. These are skills that can help save a life in or out of the pool

2. Job Security Without a College Degree – Lifeguarding is a position that requires special training which means there are not a lot of people who can apply for these job openings.  In addition, lifeguards are needed all year long and it’s one job that pays well even if you don’t have a college degree.

3. Training and Leadership Always Look Good on a Resume – Even if you are not planning to work long term as a lifeguard, employers in any field like to see a person who has taken the initiative to go through training, and exhibits leadership skills required when lives are at stake.

4. Stay in Shape – Lifeguard training requires you to swim 300 meters, tread water for 2 minutes with just your legs, and surface dive to 7-10 feet and retrieve an object. You’ll be motivated to stay in shape during and after your training so that you know if needed, you have the stamina to rescue someone.

5. Personal accomplishment – Lifeguard training is not easy. Training is twice a week, 3 hours at a time for 9 sessions. This is a course that will test you physically, mentally, and socially. Training with a group will help you learn be a part of a team. The personal reward you will feel at the end when you and your classmates receive certifications will last a lifetime.

Lifeguard training is available at Germantown Aquatic Center, Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center, Martin Luther King, Jr. Aquatic Center, and the Olney Swim Center.  For a complete list of courses, dates and locations see pages 17-21 in the Winter Guide.