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Therapeutic Opportunities

Get Ready for a Backyard BBQ Like No Other!
#355646 August 3 at Montgomery County Recreation Offices, 4:00 – 7:00 pm
Fee is $8.00 and pre-registration is required for this event that is limited to 40 participants
This BBQ is specially designed for teens and adults, ages 15 and up with disabilities. We will celebrate summer with music that will get you moving, supervised games that will keep participants engaged, and, of course, lots of food and fun!

Camp Chesapeake
# 349329 August 5 - 9 at Montgomery County Recreation Offices from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Teens ages 13-21 with developmental disabilities will work on skills and socialization while having tons of fun! This is a daily travel camp that takes campers on day trips to regional park and recreation facilities, swimming, and canoeing. Trips are designed for active, independent teens and involve a lot of walking and/or exercise. No personal care provided. Staff ratio: 1 staff to 4 participants. No AM or PM transportation available. Parent or guardian must pick up by 4:00pm.

NEW! - Miracle League Soccer
#364284 September 8 –at South Germantown Recreation Park from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm (7 weeks skipping 9/15 for $55)
The Miracle League gives all children with challenges or special needs the chance to play soccer. Kids are assigned ‘buddies’ who assist them during the game where they each have the opportunity to kick the ball and score a goal.

Teens and Adult Soccer League TR
#360761 Sundays starting September 22 at the Montgomery County Recreation Offices from 12:00 - 3:00 pm (6 Sessions $40)
Soccer League For Teens and Adults, ages 18 & older, with Developmental Disabilities. Team pre-registration required. (minimum 8, maximum 15 /team) for each Agency. A Registration Form must be submitted for each participant. Each agency must provide a Team Manager/Coach to oversee individual practices and Official League Game Days.